The Dove is a new musical by Lisa Nicoll that explores post-traumatic stress through the personal, poignant, and even humorous stories of a group of veterans spanning from WWII to Iraq. Set inside a retreat attended by both active-duty soldiers and military vets, the play confronts us with the question: “What are we to do with our violence?” Featuring intelligent, relatable characters and music inspired by classic American styles, The Dove takes a fresh look at our response to war.
Mourning Dove
In this cadence, a Drill Sergeant leads his Troops in early morning PT.
Oh Lord
In this ballad, a girl prays for her brother’s safe return from combat.
In this duet (patter song), two soldiers discuss priorities, overwhelm, and children.
In Rehearsal
Lisa Nicoll
(book, music, lyrics)
Lisa Nicoll is a Brooklyn-based writer, lyricist, and composer. Recent theatre credits include staged readings of THE DOVE (book, music, lyrics) at The York Theatre and at Emerging Artists Theatre’s New Works Series. POEDUNK has been produced by the Oxford Playhouse and is published by Indie Theater Now. Her musical compositions have been performed at Backstage at 54 Below, and her pop single “Bad For Me” charted at #2 on AIU Radio. She has created voices for the Sci-Fi Network’s SEEING EAR THEATRE, and her short fiction has been published by The Metropolitan Review. She is a member of the Dramatists Guild.
She is also the proud sister, sister-in-law, granddaughter, niece, cousin, and friend of Veterans and Active-duty Military Members of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines.
For more information about The Dove, including any production inquiries, please email:
To see additional work by Lisa Nicoll, please visit: